Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Old Nutrition Philosophy

This morning we went to the Farmers' Market to buy a fat hog (okay; not exactly). I purchased a beef chuck roast and a pork shoulder roast as well as beets and turnips with their greens on. The greens are soaking, and I will research the best way to cook turnip greens. Paula Deen might know.
I am in the process of revamping (again) the way I think about what to eat, based on the advice of my nutritionist who believes what Sally Fallon, author of NOURISHING TRADITIONS says. Basically, she advises that processed foods are what you should NOT eat; and UNprocessed foods are what your body needs in order to maintain vitality and help prevent the degenerative diseases that are becoming more and more prevalent in our society.

In my first post, I talked about re-introducing butter, coconut oil and lard into my diet; and eliminating processed oils such as corn, canola and Crisco. I am also focusing on eating more meat, because meat contains triptophan, an amino acid. Triptophan makes seratonin which elevates mood. Seratonin produces melatonin, a hormone necessary for sleep. Meat does other good things for your body; and fat from the meat you eat stores energy, enabling you to go longer without food. Meat raised without growth hormones or antibiotics is best, as we have been advised for the last several years.

According to Sally Fallon, fat will not make you gain weight. Processed foods make you gain weight, because they are in a form that your body was not designed to process. Avoiding processed foods takes resolve and constant vigilance. The sugar and flour most of us were raised with, as well as boxed cereals, snack food items, vegetable oil, to name a scant few, are all processed foods. I wonder if there is any fast food that is not processed?

I have been following this food philosophy for 9 days. With very minimal sugar consumption, I feel more energetic and sleep better. In a month, there should be a noticeable drop in my weight. If this happens, I will be pretty well sold on the idea of getting back to what people ate in the days before processed foods and before the medical community decided that red meat, butter and eggs could have an adverse effect on my health. I find this new eating plan to be very pleasant. Happy day to you!!!

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